首页 > 历史军事 > 谁动了他的故事 > 第0185章 英汉对照《中英南京条约》

第0185章 英汉对照《中英南京条约》(2/2)

好书推荐: 二入豪门:前妻,你被捕了 亿万总裁宠上天 跟着剧本谈恋爱 我的抗美援朝 小妻乖乖让我宠 家妻难追 医婿当道 我的七个姐姐绝代芳华 末世求生:开局100万母体丧尸 重生后我成为了满级大佬

the emperor of china agrees to pay the sum of six millions of dollars as the value of opium which was delivered up at canton in the month of march 1839, as a ransom for the lives of her britannic majesty^s superintendent and subjects, who had been imprisoned and threatened with death by the chinese high officers.


article v.

the gopelled the british merchants trading at canton to deal exclusie insolvent, and who owe very large sums of money to subjects of her britannic majesty.


article vi.

the gobined forces as ransom for cities and towns in china, subsequent to the 1st day of august 1841.


article vii.

it is agreed that the total amount of twenty-one millions of dollars, described in the three preceding articles, shall be paid as follows:


six millions immediately.


six millions in 1843. that is:nthree millions on or before the 30th of the month of june, and three millions on or before the 31st of december.


five millions in 1844. that is:ntwo millions and a half on or before the 30th of june, and two millions and a half on or before the 31st of december.


four millions in 1845. that is:ntwo millions on or before the 30th of june, and two millions on or before the 31st of december; and it is further stipulated, that interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, shall be paid by the government of china on any portions of the above sums that are not punctually discharged at the periods fixed.



article viii.

the emperor of china agrees to release unconditionally all subjects of leer britannic majesty (whether natives of europe or india) who may be in confinement at this moment, in any part of the chinese empire.


article ix.

the eount of their having resided under, or having had dealings and intercourse with, or having entered the service of her britannic majesty, or of her majesty^s officers, and his lmperial majesty further engages to release all chinese subjects who may be at this moment in confinement for similar reasons.


article x.

his majesty the emperor of china agrees to establish at all the ports which are by the 2nd article of this treaty to be thrown open for the resort of british merchants, a fair and regular tariff of export and import customs and other dues, which tariff shall be publicly notified and promulgated for general information, and the emperor further engages, that when british merchandise shall have once paid at any of the said ports the regulated customs and dues agreeable to the tariff, to be hereafter fixed, such merchandise may be conveyed by chinese merchants, to any province or city in the interior of the empire of china on paying a further amount as transit duties which shall not exceed per cent. on the tariff value of such goods.


article xl.

it is agreed that her britannic majesty^s chief high officer in china shall correspond with the chinese high officers, both at the capital and in the promunication" [chinese characters]. the subordinate british officers and chinese high officers in the provinces under the terms "statement" [chinese characters] on the part of the former, and on the part of the latter " declaration " [chinese characters], and the subordinates of both countries on a footing of perfect equality. merchants and others not holding official situations and, therefore, not included in the above, on both sides, to use the term " representation " [chinese characters] in all papers addressed to, or intended for the notice of the respective governments.

十一、议定英国住中国之总管大员,与中国大臣,无论京内京外者,有文书来往,用照会字样;英国属员,用申陈字样;大臣批复,用札行字样。两国属员往来,必当平行照会。 若两国商贾上达官宪,不在议内,仍用奏明字样。

article xii.

on the assent of the emperor of china to this treaty being receipleted.

十二、俟奉大皇帝允准,和约各条施行,并以此时准交之600万元交清,英国水陆军士,当即退出江宁、京口等处江面,并不再行拦阻中国各省商贾贸易。至镇海之招宝山亦将退让。 惟有定海县之舟山海岛,厦门厅之鼓浪屿小岛,仍归英兵暂为驻守,迨及所议洋银全数交清,而前议各海口均已开关,俾英人通商后,即将驻守二处军士退出,不复占据。

article xiii.

the ratification of the treaty by her majesty the queen of great britain, etc., and his majesty the emperor of china shall be exchanged as soon as the great distance which separates england from china will admit; but in the meantime counterpart copies of it, signed and sealed by the plenipotentiaries on behalf of their respective sovereigns, shall be mutually delivered, and all its provisions and arrangements shall take effect.


done at nanking and signed and sealed by the plenipotentiaries on board her britannic majesty^s ship cornwallis,this twenty-ninth day of august, 1842, corresponding with the chinese date, twenty-fourth day of the seventh month

in the twenty-second year of taou kwang.



(l.s.) henry pottinger, 亨利.璞鼎查

her majesty^s plenipotentiary.

chinese signatures (3).*

chinese seal. 耆英

*the preamble mentions two chinese negotiators only, keying and elepoo. the third signature was that of niukien, liang kiang viceroy.


新书推荐: 生子系统哭着求我放过男主 扶摇少年:李商隐的奇遇 亮剑:我能复制一切 亮剑:我在伪军内部当卧底 亮剑:我有杀敌积分兑换系统 特种兵:开局融合死射天赋 断绝关系后,王爷全家后悔终生 抗战:从成为楚云飞开始崛起 让你入赘76号,你都升主任了? 从钢七连到合成师