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好书推荐: 绝色搭档 拽少爷恋上冷千金 宇宙本源诀 EXO 我想你是我的 神剑仙缘 改变复仇公主 逆冷殿下冰美人 异界之玄幻修真 我老公是酷哥?! 综漫之飘落的雪



“another day you soul

he would be one year old

god bless his soul

when he 18 years old

when he became a soldier

god bless his soul

there are not like he didn’t know

the ways to things could go

hopes all the had to cold

but he never makes it home

i hope and pray that when god call his name

he did not die in vein

i like to think he die for you and me

and i hope one day when you back again

and he just to memory

then we will appreciate to spend the love he give

another year she soul

she might been the mother

god bless her soul

but you never get to home

her baby curl i know her

god bless the souls

there are not like he didn’t know

the ways to things could go

hopes all she heads to cold

but she never makes it home

i hope and pray that when god call her name

she did not die in vein

i like to think she die for you and me

and i hope one day we look back again

and she is just to memory

then we will appreciate with spend the love she give

babyface - the soldier song



新书推荐: 斗破:绑定系统后女王她妹飒爆了 青涩的相遇 晴夏叶薇 倾阳之恋 藏在课桌下的心事 穿越世界:从慕容复开始 此间任我逍遥游 占有他的月亮 HP同人always 我不是故意摸你腹肌的