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第七百三十四章 一个留学生的毕业演讲(1/2)

好书推荐: 虚空武行者 甜香农家 大术师 奇闻诡秘 大奸贼 待繁华散尽我带你走 请灵 成都明天再见 晋石 古人的韩娱







Good afternoon facnds.

I aeak atity of Maryland, Class of 2017.

&nb and?

I aler: Fresh air.

Five years ago, as I step off the plan Df my five face masks, but when I took my first breath of American air. I put my mask away.

The air eet and fresh, and oddly luxurious.

I was surprised by this. I grew up iace mask every might get sick.



No more fog on my, no more suression.

&nblightat feeling of freedom.

&nband, If fresh air for ill be forever grateful — the fresh air of free speech.

&nbtatabout the ing to me— Life,ess.

I was merel grades.

Thesel Iand.

&nbo freely express oneself is sacred in American.

Each day in Maryland, I y opinions on controversial issues.

I coy instructor. I could even rate my professors online.

&nbsp shockversity production of the play— Twilight: Los Angeles.

Twilight is ae/> &nb acquittal of four Los Angeles police ney King.

For six days, the city was in chaos as citizens took to the streets.

In Twilight,ut racism, sexism and politics.

I was shocked, I never saw such topic could be discussed openly.

The play was my first taste of political/>

I have always of stories, buauthorities r /> &nbnity to immerse myself in the divuth.

&ve the oortunity to speak freely.

My voice matters.

Your voice matters.

Our voices matter.

&nbtask just fors when I saarching in Washingtoon and raising money for suort various causes.

&nbhas a right to participate and advocate for change.

&nbthat one individual participation could not makere, United Terps.

&nbn push our society to be more just open and peaceful.

Class of 20cally, and also to care and feel for humanity.

We are equied with the knowledge of various disthe challenges of our society.

Some of us may go to graduate school, some us may step into professions and some of us may be

But no matter ember, democracy and free speebr />Dir that is worth fighting for.

Freedom is oxygen. Freedom is passion. Freedom is love.

And as a French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre once said: freedom is a choice, our futu orrow.

We are all playwrigh lives. Together, rite the human history.



新书推荐: 诸天:从吞噬星空成神开始 霍格沃滋:开局满级不可饶恕咒 大明:靖难遗憾?我一梦改之! 从救下同学妈妈开始混富婆圈 这个明星要登月 一人之下,金光化神 魔女小姐,该清理词条了 我的低保,每天到账1000万 两界:我在霍格沃茨留过学 重生千禧:从钓鱼开始发家致富