别人成双成对自己却显得凄凉「第七十九弹」上 ↑(1/1)
“老人家我不是这个意思,我的确是在找人,希望老爷子如果看见的话,能否帮我留意一下,我不求老爷子帮我留住他们,能否告诉他们一下我的住址,我明天就会回岛外的主城区住了,麻烦您看到他能帮我传达一下。i don't mean that, old man. i'm really looking for someone. i hope the old man can pay attention to me if he sees it. i don't ask him to help me keep them. can you tell them my address i'll go back to live in the main city outside the island tomorrow. please see if he can help me convey it.”尴尬 ̄□ ̄||归尴尬,能多一个人帮忙,闵智雅还是不想放弃的。
“很抱歉小姐,老身很少外出,基本也不会见什么外人。所以这个忙可能帮不上,您还是请教别人吧,或许您要找的人,早就不在岛上了,或者早就不在厦门了。i'm sorry, miss. i seldom go out. i don't see any outsiders. so you may not be able to help. you'd better ask others. maybe the person you're looking for is not on the island or xiamen any longer.”邱管家其实已经有些不耐烦了,但是多年管家的素养,让他没有明着表现出来,但是口语中净是逐客的口吻。
想到了这里,智雅略显尴尬 ̄□ ̄||的和邱管家道别,独自走在酒店的路上,看着路上形形色色的游客,她有些走神,这么没得一个地方,别人都是成双入对的,为什么自己却显得那么凄凉。