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好书推荐: 危险甜妻:大叔难招架 史莱克八怪穿越之路 彤姐 傲娇女总裁:你别想跑 通天帝国,你给我的云路 话青春,我只爱你 爱让时光倒流 快穿之男神你要怎样 望断春风 军营情缘

if anyone is not used to reading english, read chinese.(如果有人觉得英文如果有人觉得英文读的不习惯的话可以读汉语哦。)

(提示:不是很重要,这个可以跳过)hint is not very important, this can be skipped.·······································································(没错,我就是来凑字数的,所以,还要看吗?)yeah, i'm just here to make up some ords, so you need to keep reading.

姓名:千勿凌雪(a thousand things lead to sno )

性别:女(female )

性格:千年不化的冰山(a thousand-year-old iceberg )

iq :满到爆(full to bursting )

eq :刚好(just )



年龄:17(17 years old )

亲人(血缘):爷爷(父母,但不在了)(grandpa )“parents, but not anymore ”

朋友(死党):慕容诺语、南宫安晓“murong nuo yu nan public security school ”

爱好:飙车,紫色熏衣草、曼陀罗,但更喜欢紫色熏衣草,喜欢紫色、黑色、白色,喜欢大方、直接、善良的人“drag racing purple lavender, datura, but prefer purple lavender.like purple, black, hite, like generous direct, kind people.”

身份:世界第一杀手,英、美、法、韩大公主(认的),世界第一家族继承人(亲的),世界第一集团继承人(家族的),第二集团幕后总裁之一,街舞王(沐),钢琴公主(冰),离痕宫大宫主,黑道圣尊。“world no. 1 killer voice can not han princess orld no. 1 heir to the orld no. 1 family heir to the orld no. 2 group, one of the behind-the-scenes president of the street dance king, piano princess. you're a big princess ”(第一家族和第一集团的继承人,朋友们都还不知道呢)“the heirs of the first family and the first group, friends don't even kno yet.”

(不错,又是我,我又来了,我又来凑字数了。)yeah, it's me again. i'm doing it again. i'm doing it again.·······························································(好了,我也觉得差不多就可以了,接下来就安心写吧)well, i think that's about it, too, so let's just rite it don.(额⊙?⊙!好吧我总是窘态百出,不过没关系,你们高兴就好,这算是自我牺牲?哦不我才不要呢,其实我也不想用英文的,只是因为字数问题吗?只是如果太少的话。读者看着,我觉得有一种压迫感,所以为了字数问题只有写英文了,我读不懂英文的话,还可以多看语音是的。我还给你们翻译汉语意思的。)

姓名:慕容诺语(rain falls on murong )

性别:女(female )

性格:温柔,文静(gentle and quiet )

iq :刚满(just )

eq :刚好(just )



年龄:17(17 years old )

亲人:无(no )

朋友:千勿凌雪、南宫安晓(a thousand things united sno, south palace an small )

爱好:飙车,喜欢蓝色妖姬,天空,白色,云朵,喜欢大方、直接、善良的人(like the blue fairy sky hite clouds like generous direct, kind people.)

身份:世界第三杀手,英、美、法、韩二公主(认的),世界第四家族继承人(亲的),世界第四集团继承人(家族),第二集团幕后总裁之一,离痕宫二宫主,黑道至尊“the orld's third killer, in, cann't atch. second princess, heir to the orld's fourth family, the orld's fourth season of legend adults. the second group. i only ate one for a long time. you're isolated. you're attacking the second princess. the underorld ”(嗯……对了,又是我,没错,又是我,我有来凑字数了,额⊙?⊙!还是希望你们别建议哈!················)

姓名:南宫安晓(yasuyoshi nanomiya )

性别:女(female )

性格:大大咧咧,活泼开朗(careless, lively and cheerful )

iq :刚好(just )

eq :刚好(just )



年龄:17(17 years old )

亲人:有一个哥哥,但至今还没找到(i have a brother, but i haven't found him yet.)

朋友:千勿凌雪、慕容诺语(a thousand fogs congealed the sno, and murong fell into the rain )

爱好:飙车,喜欢粉色,粉色蔷薇,喜欢吃(drag racing like pink, pink roses like to eat food.)



新书推荐: 校花别沾边,重生的我只想搞钱 娱乐圈第一深情?我可是海王 我一个网约车司机有点钱怎么了 九号半 一人之下:千年布局被冯宝宝曝光 神探陈益 重回1980去享福 神豪:给兄弟花钱就返利 怪异幻想入侵中 我一个演员,会亿点技能很合理吧