首页 > 都市言情 > 我喜欢你,但我爱他 > Sweetest guy on the world

Sweetest guy on the world(1/2)

好书推荐: 魔君的绝色独宠 许你一步之遥 女尊之亵渎皇权GL 死角之笑缘居 薰衣草的爱恋 一席良梦,终拾海 无赖萌夫,鲛人妻 庶女皇后 听弦断 泪锁千年 侯门农女,彪悍小辣妻

因为把憋了好久的话说开了,我们两个吃的都很开心。秦宇桥是个特别好相处的人,但是不知道为什么,我总觉得缺了点什么。如果我是个典型的大一女生,我会一口答应,可是我不是一般人,我是基/督徒, 他也是,我想他会明白为什么我不能做决定。对于我们来说,恋爱是非常慎重的事。哎呀!别想了,就当作好朋友一起出来玩,他问你话呢....

j:" feel like going to epted."

j:" i will pay for dinner."

s:" i grant you my forgia and before they went to europe, his doctor found out that his cancer had affected most of his body."

j:" i am really sorry to hear this. he seems like a nice guy."

s:" he is!! he is the guy every girl wants to spend whole life with!"

j:" include you?"

s:" yes! .. i mean... maybe.."

j: " let's watch the fault in our stars today. let me see how sweet is augustus."



新书推荐: 秦时:罡凌天下 斗罗:这个魂师过于奇奇无平 斗罗绝世:真实之眼 四合院:从大厨开始 从斗破苍穹模拟到大主宰 斗罗:开局一只汤姆猫 火影:我在木叶肝进度 斗罗:召唤三国猛将,征战就变强 遮天之紫霞传说 木叶:这个宇智波只想躺平